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On-line theory training

The purpose of this online theory training is to prepare candidates (Australia only) for Work Safe High Risk Work licences. The method is as follows:

  1. The candidate selects the required course.
  2. The candidate enrols with our (RTO) Registered Training Organisation (free). Forms can be found here .
  3. The candidate chooses and purchases modules to download (this can be one or all of the course modules).
  4. After the candidate reads and absorbs each module, the intent is to have the candidate carry out a short 'Q' (question) and 'A' (answer) with the instructor online via Skype. (if the candidate is in Perth or Western Australia, arrangements can be made for a face-to-face exam).
  5. The idea is for the candidate to be competent in each of the modules before proceeding to the next module, therefore readying the candidate for a final theory exam at the end of the theory course. This test will be conducted face to face with a trainer at a location agreed by both parties and will be conducted as per the relevant 'Assessment Instrument'.
  6. The candidate will be advised of the requirement to have a logbook detailing any and all practical work completed, witnessed and signed by a licenced holder for the High Risk work undertaken. The logbook should detail as much information as possible regarding the tasks and activities undertaken for the course applied for.
  7. If the candidate is assessed as 'competent' then he or she will be given a 'notice-of-Assessment' by the Assessor and will have 60 days to complete the practical assessment and apply for "Work Safe for the High Risk Work licence".
  8. The candidate will also receive a Certificate of Attainment once deemed competent in both the theoretical and practical modules. This certificate allows the candidate to work in the High Risk category chosen while their application to Work Safe is being processed.

Our training